est. 1918

December 7, 2017 CIPLA Meeting

  • December 07, 2017
  • 4:30 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Cleveland Marriott Downtown @ Key Center (127 Public Square, Cleveland, Ohio 44114)


Registration is closed




Cleveland Marriott Downtown
Key Center
127 Public Square
Cleveland, Ohio  44114



CLE Meetings (4:30–5:30 p.m., CLE accreditation will be applied for):

Patent Committee (1.00 hr CLE credit)

“Experiences and Tips in Inter Partes Proceedings before the PTAB”  Steve Auvil, Squire Patton Boggs  


Copyright Committee (1.00 hr CLE credit)

“Copyright Issues for Broadcast News and Television”  John Greiner, Graydon Law  


Cocktail Reception (5:30–6:15 p.m., open bar)   

Dinner (6:15–7:30 p.m.):

“The State of the Trademark Office”

Mary Boney Denison, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Commissioner for Trademarks 

Ms. Denison oversees all aspects of the Trademarks organization, including policy, operations and budget relating to trademark examination, registration, and maintenance.  Ms. Denison joined the USPTO in 2011 as Deputy Commissioner for Trademark Operations where she was responsible for USPTO trademark application, legal examination, and registration processes. She has led outreach to the trademark legal community, small businesses, and applicants without legal counsel, and has been an active participant in meetings with the world’s largest trademark offices, promoting projects aimed at harmonizing trademark practices and procedures.



Members:  Dinner – $30; CLE –Free

Non-Members:  Dinner – $40;CLE – $40

Student Members and Non-member Students:  Dinner –$15; CLE – Free


 Next Meeting **NEW LOCATION**:   

Our next Meeting and Dinner will be held on February 8, 2018 at the newly renovated University of Akron School of Law.  Please plan to attend!

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