Committee CLE Meetings (4:30–5:30 p.m., CLE accreditation will be applied for):
Trade Secret Data Privacy/ Cybersecurity Law and Practice Committee (1.00 hr CLE credit)
Speakers: Dan McMullen and Ashley Earle of Calfee, Halter & Griswold, LLC
Topic: Data in the Cloud – Feet on the Ground
International Committee (1.00 hr CLE credit)
Speaker: Stewart Cameron, Director at Cameron Intellectual Property
Topic: Tips on EU Patent Pros + Comparison of EU & UK TM Practice
Cocktail Reception (5:30–6:00 p.m.)
Dinner (6:00–7:30 p.m., 1.00 hr CLE accreditation will be applied for):
Topic: The Right to Repair
Should the owners of devices, from smartphones to home appliances, have the right to repair them? Or should device makers be able to dictate the availability and terms of repair? Over the past year, more than half of state legislatures around the country have considered right to repair legislation. More recently, the FTC responded to an executive order from the Biden administration by outlining an aggressive agenda targeting repair restrictions. The right-to-repair debate raises crucially important questions at the intersection of IP, antitrust, and consumer protection law.
Professor Aaron Perzanowski
Prof. Perzanowski is the Associate Director of the Spangenberg Center for Law, Technology & the Arts at Case Western Reserve University School of Law. He teaches copyright, trademark, and property law. His research on the intersection of intellectual and personal property explores the notion of ownership in a digital economy. And his work on IP and social norms considers the ways in which informal governance influences creative production. His latest book, The Right to Repair, is forthcoming from Cambridge University press.
Dinner Entrée Options:
- Beef Short Rib, Roasted Brussel Sprouts, Parmesan Herb Risotto, Demi Glaze; or,
- Amish Breast of Chicken, Herbs de Provence, Roasted Brussel Sprouts, Parmesan Herb Risotto, and Natural Chicken Jus; or,
- Seasonal Vegetable Nepoleon: Grilled Asparagus, Sun Dried Tomato Risotto, Balsamic Reduction Roasted Vegetables, Zucchini Noodles in Butternut Squash Sauce, Pine Nuts, Vegan Pesto
Each entrée is accompanied by a seasonal cheesecake for dessert
- Members: Dinner – $30; Committee CLE – Free,
- Non-Members: Dinner – $40; Committee CLE – $40, or
- Student Members and Non-member Students: Dinner – $15; Committee CLE – Free
Any cancellations must be received by 5:00 p.m. on December 3rd, 2021. Please email julia@wwiplaw.com with any cancellation—no fax or telephone cancellations will be honored.