Aloft Cleveland Downtown
1111 West 10th Street
Cleveland, OH 44113
Parking options include the on-site garage, the Flats East Surface Parking Lot, and valet.
Committee CLE Meetings (4:30–5:30 p.m., CLE accreditation will be applied for):
1) Data/Privacy and Cyber Committee (1.00 hr CLE credit)
Topic: From Start to Finish: How to Identify and Address Cybersecurity Incidents
This presentation will focus on what a forensic investigation entails, what evidence is needed for analysis, how a privileged forensic investigation can be used to support legal conclusions, and how to identify potential legal obligations arising from incidents.
Speaker: Keith Wojcieszek, Global Head of Threat Intelligence at Kroll (visiting from Washington D.C.)

2) Trademark and Unfair Competition Committee (1.00 hr CLE credit)
Topic: Social Media and Marketing Considerations for IP Lawyers
This presentation will cover online advertisements, influencers/endorsement deals, sweepstakes and contests, and the updated guidelines from the Federal Trade Commission.
Speaker: Jessica Goedel, Attorney at Dinsmore & Shohl

Cocktail Reception (5:30–6:15 p.m., open bar)
Dinner (6:15–7:30 p.m., 1.00 hr CLE accreditation will be applied for):
Topic: IP Lawyers Behaving Badly: Professional Responsibility and Practice before the USPTO
Keynote Speaker: Dahlia Girgis, Attorney for the Office of Enrollment and Discipline (OED) at the USPTO (visiting from Washington, DC)
Are patent or trademark attorneys involved in more disciplinary action at the USPTO? Patent attorneys have attorney-client privilege, but what level of privilege applies to patent agents? What disciplinary actions are taken against patent agents who engage in the unauthorized practice of law (UPL)? What about patent attorneys unknowingly filing declarations containing inaccurate information? The mission of the OED is to protect the public and the integrity of the patent and trademark systems. The OED is responsible for investigating all types of matters including conflicts of interest, UPLs, inequitable conduct, solicitation, and substance-abuse issues. This presentation will cover ethics scenarios and select case law for a variety of situations that reach the OED.
Since 2011, Ms. Girgis has been an attorney for the USPTO Office of Enrollment and Discipline where she investigates grievances and complaints alleging misconduct by patent and trademark practitioners. She first joined the USPTO in 2005 as a Trademark Examining Attorney and in 2008, she joined the USPTO Office of General Law where she investigated and prosecuted EEOC complaints, grievances, and Merit Systems Protection Bureau appeals. She has also served as the USPTO FOIA Officer. Before working at the USPTO, Ms. Girgis was an Assistant Attorney General for the N.H. Office of Attorney General and also served a tour of duty as a Judge Advocate General (JAG) in the United States Air Force.

Dinner Entrée Options:
- Airline Chicken, Quinoa, Asparagus
- Salmon, Quinoa, Asparagus
- Ratatouille (Vegetarian), Quinoa, Asparagus
Each entrée is accompanied by a Chopped Salad and Mixed Berry Bread Pudding for dessert.
- Members: Dinner – $35; Committee CLE – Free,
- In-House Members: Dinner – $30; Committee CLE – Free,
- Non-Members: Dinner – $45; Committee CLE – $45, or
- Student Members and Non-Member Students: Dinner – $15; Committee CLE – Free
Any cancellations must be received by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 28, 2023. Please email vo.trinht@gmail.com with any cancellation—no fax or telephone cancellations will be honored.
Thanks to PLI (https://www.pli.edu/) for sponsoring our meeting and supporting CIPLA! PLI representatives will be available at the meeting to answer any questions about their services.

Next Meeting:
Enjoy the holiday season! The next meeting will be held on Thursday, February 1st. Please plan to attend!